Carmouche Rails Against "Washington Liberals", While Funding Their Campaigns

Trial-lawyer John Carmouche helped bring liberals to power in DC.

In his new ad campaign, coastal lawsuit trial-lawyer John Carmouche, trying to turn the tide of public opinion in favor of his job-killing lawsuits, rails against the unpopular "Biden Administration and Washington Liberals". You can see his ad below:

As we've discussed, Carmouche's ad campaign is a blatant effort to trick South Louisiana voters into supporting his lawsuits- and his efforts to get even more rich off the backs of Louisiana taxpayers. With the "Biden Administration and Washington Liberals" as unpopular as ever in South Louisiana, railing against them is a good way to get conservative South Louisiana voters on his side.

However, it's also laughably ironic- considering the hundreds of thousands of dollars he and his law partners have spent helping "Joe Biden and Washington Liberals" gain power. You can see all of Carmouche and his law partners donations to DC Liberals here.

Since 2012, Carmouche and his partners alone have given over $120,000 to Democrats running for federal office- including nearly $2,000 to President Biden, thousands of dollars to the scandal-plagued, anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project, $2,000 to former President Barack Obama, and even a maximum contribution of $2,700 to radical liberal Congresswoman Maxine Waters from California, who once called for the federal government to take over Louisiana's oil and gas industry.

These aren't just local, pay-to-play donations. John Carmouche and his partners have funded liberal Democrats running for key Senate seats in Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, and the main Democratic campaign organizations who helped bring the Biden Administration and Washington Liberals to power- giving thousands to the Democratic House and Senate Campaign Committees.

Carmouche clearly thinks the voters of South Louisiana are too stupid to see through his charade of pretending to be an opponent of the very same Washington Liberals he and his partners helped bring to power. Meanwhile, South Louisiana voters suffer the consequences of the Biden Administration and Democratic control of Congress- with the skyrocketing costs of inflation, shutting down Louisiana's oil and gas industry, higher gas prices, and killing jobs across South Louisiana.

Next time you see John Carmouche on your TV, and you see your paycheck stretched thinner and thinner, remember- he helped put them in power, and is now trying to fool you to continue making himself richer and richer, once again, at your expense.

You can read all of our previous stories on Louisiana's job-killing trial-lawyers here.

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