Teacher's Unions Doled Out Cash Ahead of Legislative Session

Louisiana's two largest teacher's unions doled out nearly $50,000 in contributions to legislators and their committees leading up to the 2022 Legislative Session

As K-12 public education has become one of the nation's most contentious publicly policy debates, teacher's unions across the country have significantly increased their political spending.

Louisiana's two largest teacher's unions, The Louisiana Association of Educators (LAE) and The Louisiana Federation of Teachers (LFT), are no exception. Much like their national counterparts, their contributions also overwhelmingly went to Democrats- nearly 60%.

In the first three months of 2022, the two unions have given nearly $50,000 to sitting legislators- and even more to candidates and local tax elections. You can view all contributions to sitting legislators and their PACs here. The top 5 are below:

In total, LAE gave 70 legislators a combined $35,000 leading up to the 2022 legislative session, a dramatic increase from the $7,600 they gave before the 2021 session. The LFT chipped in another $13,500 to 11 legislators.

Of course, both unions have been involved in this year's legislative session, joining the Louisiana School Boards Association and the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents to oppose school choice legislation, in the wake of parental outrage over school closures, curriculum, and mask mandates- flames the Louisiana Association of Educators helped flame back in January when it led a teacher-sickout to demand yet another round of school closures.

Of the 25 House members who voted with the teacher's unions against school choice, 19 received contributions from the LFT or LAE in 2022. This includes the only 2 House Republicans who voted against school choice- Rep. Buddy Mincey, who received 2 contributions from LAE totaling $1,000 and Rep. Neil Riser, who also received 2 contributions totaling $700. Mincey was also honored by the Louisiana School Boards Association as "Legislator of the Year" in 2021. Interestingly, when this same legislation went through the House in 2021, only one member voted against it. For the unions, it looks like their increased political spending may be paying off.

As important bills touching all aspects of public education and public employees, look for LAE and LFT to continue to cash in their increased spending.

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